4 Star SME Corp

SCORE is a diagnostic tool which assigns star ratings to indicate the performance level of SMEs based on a seven assessment criteria such as financial strength, business performance, human resource, technology acquisition and adoption, certification and market presence.


Tersenarai Sebagai SYARIKAT TERAS Bagi Program TERAJU

1-InnoCERT Rating

Certification programme is initiated by SME Corp. Malaysia to promote and develop innovative companies in Malaysia as endorsed by the Jawatankuasa Tindakan Penyelarasan Inovasi Negara and the National Innovation Council, chaired by the Prime Minister on 29th October 2009. It is aimed at fostering innovative enterprise through harnessing and intensifying home-grown innovations and R&D.test

50 Enterprise Award for 2012 and 2013

The Enterprise 50 (E50) is a prestigious award programme that recognizes the achievements of Malaysia's enterprising small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which are well positioned for the future.